Parabéns Bruna Ávila pelas premiações e conquistas nestes últimos 5 anos no voleibol universitário americano!

A caminhada costuma ser longa e repleta de desafios, mas, no final, tudo vale a pena. Desejamos muito sucesso em sua nova trajetória!


Confira o depoimento feito pela estudante atleta Bruna Ávila:

“It’s been 12 years since I first started playing Volleyball. This sport has always been a huge part of my life and I wouldn’t be the same without it. Today I played the last game of my career and even though it is heartbreaking to say goodbye I have so much to be grateful for. I am beyond blessed for each and every minute of this unforgettable journey. I can’t give enough thanks to my family that has always been there for me and made this whole experience possible, all my teammates which I had the pleasure to share the court with and all my coaches that taught me lifelong lessons and gave me the opportunity to play the sport I love. I will forever remember those past 12 years with a smile on my face and knowing that becoming a volleyball player was by far one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life!”