Confira o depoimento do estudante atleta de natação Enzo Duffey!

O esporte é sinônimo de superação, de ultrapassar os limites para levar o corpo um pouco mais além. E não estamos falando de bater recordes mundiais, mas sim da batalha que cada um mantém consigo mesmo para melhorar e alcançar aquilo que foi proposto. Nosso estudante atleta, Enzo Duffey, descreveu com belíssimas palavras o momento que está vivendo em Fresno University.

Que venha o junior year!!!
It took me a while to do a end of the year post, because there was honestly a lot to process. Swimming occupies almost my whole day, everyday, so it is hard when things in the pool don’t go well. However, this year I learned that the most important things are outside of the pool, in family, close friends and new projects.

I am thankful for all the opportunities I was presented with this year, and even more thankful for everyone who was there from the beginning to the end. I am extremely thankful for my family, my girlfriend and my closest friends. ❤️

I look forward to coming back next year and keep giving this team the best I can. I want to thank the whole team and coaching staff for giving me the opportunity to be the captain this past year. It is an experience that I will never forget, and a reason of pride for me, my family and my mentors. Already excited for what’s to come next year!

2 more years to go.🧡💙